Timelines Window

In the Timelines window, we can insert, arrange, and control Timelines.

Good to know: You can reduce or expand the space taken by the Timeline icons by dragging the vertical separator line.

Timeline Management

Add or Delete Timelines

You can add or delete Timelines by:

  • increasing or reducing the Timeline count number, or

  • clicking on the + or - buttons at the bottom left corner of the Timelines window.

Good to know: The Timelines window can host up to 64 Timelines per project.

Rearrange Timelines

  • Move up action moves the Timeline up in the list of timelines, including all of its content and settings.

  • Move down action moves the Timeline down in the list of timelines, including all of its content and settings.

  • Duplicate action creates a duplicate Timeline, and

  • Delete action removes a Timeline.

Aside from using the Move up and Move down buttons, you can also change the order of a Timeline, by clicking on its settings icon and dragging an arrow to the Settings icon of the Timeline where you want it to be.

Timeline Properties

Each Timeline has its properties, which you can see in the Properties window by clicking on a chosen Timeline.

  • Auto duration determines whether or not the duration of the Timeline will automatically adjust to the location and duration of its containing Sections, Markers and Layers. If checked, the Timeline duration will always extend to the end of the last section in that Timeline. If unchecked, you need to adjust the Timeline duration independently.

  • Allow negative time is enabled by default, so you can place content in the negative section of the Timeline.

  • Fade-in is the time frame in which content smoothly plays from 0% to full strength, starting from when and continuing until the Playhead reaches the Fade in time.

  • Fade out is the time frame in which content gradually goes from full strength to 0%, from the moment we press until the Playhead reaches the Fade out time.

  • Framerate determines with which framerate the Timeline will play.

  • Source determines which Timecode provider Timeline will sync to, such as Art-Net timecode, MIDI receiver, or LTC via audio input. You can also sync a Timeline to another Timeline.

Good to know: Depending on the status of the incoming timecode information, the Timeline timecode will be displayed in a grey, green, yellow, or red color.

  • Interpolate if enabled, the TC frames are interpolated.

  • Behavior on no TC determines what a synced Timeline does if incoming TC suddenly stops.

  • Timecode offset refers to the time added to or subtracted from the incoming TC.

  • Negative offset determines whether the offset is added or subtracted.

  • Entire duration if this button is enabled, the TC follows for the entire duration of the timeline.

  • Follow in these sections if this button is enabled, the TC follows only in selected sections within the timeline.

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