Playing Image Sequences

Good to know: LightAct supports jpg, png & tif image formats.

Playing image sequences is basically the same as playing video files. The only difference is the import process, so let’s go through it.

First, the files need to be labeled in a specific way:

  • The file extensions should be the same. You cannot mix frames encoded as an png or jpg, for example.

  • The filenames (without the extension) should have the same name with an incrementing number at the end.

An example of a image sequence files properly named would be: Frames0000.tif, Frames0001.tif, Frames0002.tif, Frames0003.tif, Frames0004.tif.

Please note, the incrementing numbers at the end should start with 0 and not with, for example, 10000.

If you drag an entire folder with properly named image sequence files into LightAct's window, only the first one will be imported as a candidate of an image sequence.

When you import such an image file, LightAct will detect that it might be one frame in an image sequence and add an image sequence icon next to it:

Click on it to tell LightAct that you want to treat it as an image sequence:

When this is done, you can tell LightAct the framerate you’d want it to play the sequence at.

If you right click on the image icon to the left of the Asset’s name, you’ll be able to select the framerate of the sequence.

After this, the entire playback is the same as with any other video asset.

Last updated