LightAct offers both sending and receiving devices nodes. Each node requires a Multicast address information.

PSN Sender Device Node

To start sending PSN information insert a PSN Sender device.

On the right side, under the Stream, configurable properties for specific devices will be shown. After you configure them, check Send checkbox inside the device node.

Send PSN in Layer Layouts

To set the information sent by PSN Sender node in LightAct, you need to create a Send PSN node in the layouts.

Choose PSN Sender device in a Device dropdown menu, or connect Device reference node to this input, and you are ready to go.

Send PSN node is sending Name and a number of vec3's: Position, Orientation, Speed, Acceleration and Target position. One way of connecting the node is shown below:

PSN Receiver Device Node

To start receiving PSN information insert a PSN Receiver device.

On the right side, under the Stream, configurable properties for specific devices will be shown. After you configure them, check Listen checkbox inside the device node.

PSN Receiver Device Node

To start receiving PSN information insert a PSN Receiver device.

On the right side, under the Stream, configurable properties for specific devices will be shown. After you configure them, check Listen checkbox inside the device node.

Read PSN in Layer Layouts

To use the information read by PSN Receiver device node in LightAct, you need to create a Read PSN node in the layouts.

Choose PSN Receiver device in a Device dropdown menu, or connect Device reference node to this input, and you are ready to go.

Last updated