Set Fade

Category: Control

Set fade layer template changes the fade of a video output, a section or a layer.


  • Mode: select the fade of what you'd like to adjust. Options are:

    • Video output Fade: adjusts the fade of the selected Video output.

    • Section Fade: adjusts the fade of the selected section.

    • Layer Fade: adjusts the fade of the selected layer.

  • Fade: set the new value of the fade. 1 = 100% (fully on), 0 = 0% (fully dimmed).

  • Speed: adjust the speed of the adjustment. 1 means real-time. If you set it to really small values, like 0.2, the fade value will adjust slowly towards the target value.

  • Auto rename: select if you want the layer's name to display the state of the variables.

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