Cue List

You can access the Cue List window by going to Window and choosing Cue List.

In the Cue List window, you can see a list of all Cues included in the entire project and you can easily trigger predetermined Cue actions during a live event.

In the Position column, each Cue displays its position in the Timeline, as well as its position in the Timeline relative to the Playhead.

In the Trigger column, each Cue displays an icon that matches the On playhead pass property of a given cue. Clicking on the Trigger icon will prompt the Playhead to jump to that Cue and execute the On playhead pass action.

Good to know: If the Cue is placed beyond the timeline duration in the Timeline, its position in the Cue list window will have a yellow warning color.

Sections as Cues

Each Section set to Use as cue is visible and enabled to operate within the Cue List window. In it, you can determine what action should the Playhead perform when it reaches the selected Section in the Timeline or when the Section is triggered from the Cue list window.

Markers as Cues

Similar to Sections, Markers appear in the Cue List window when created and set to Use as cue.

Clicking on the Trigger icon of the Marker will trigger the action determined by its Play state property selected in its Properties window, while its On playhead pass will affect the location of the Playhead in the Timeline.

Good to know: Changing the Play state updates both the Trigger icon in the Cue List window and the Playhead flag of the Marker in the Timeline.

Global Cues

Global Cues allow you to trigger actions that are not tied to a specific position on the Timeline. This is useful in situations like fading out when a performer leaves the stage, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness during live events.

Event Global Variable

To add a Global cue, you first need to add a global variable of type Event.

Using the Layer Layouts, you can program the desired action you want to occur upon a trigger. You can do this by creating a Getter node from the Event variable which triggers a lifeline output anytime the Event variable is triggered.

Good to know: You can learn more about Getter nodes in the Variable Management chapter.

Good to know: The Set fade layer template changes the fade of a video output, section, or layer when the corresponding Event variable is triggered.

Global Cue

From this point forward, clicking the Trigger button of the Global cue in the Cue List window will trigger the Event, regardless of where the Playhead is in the Timeline, as long as the Layer where the logic is programmed is active at the time of clicking.

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