Computer Vision

CV Variable Type

LightAct has a special variable type called CV Mat or CV, which stands for Computer Vision. As the name indicates, this variable type has been specifically designed for computer vision operations, which in LightAct can be executed through Computer Vision nodes.

Convert node

All Computer Vision nodes in LightAct expect a CV variable type as an Input and produce a CV variable type as an Output. However, most often, our goal is to apply Computer Vision algorithms on incoming camera video streams, which in LightAct are often rendered out in the Texture variable type.

Additionally, after applying Computer Vision operations to a video, we often want to visualize the outcome. Since all Computer Vision nodes output a CV variable type, in order to visualize it, we have to turn the stream back into a Texture variable type.

Because of this, LightAct offers two useful types of Convert nodes:

  1. Texture to CV,

  2. CV to Texture.

which repack incoming Texture data to a format suitable for the CV variable type and vice versa.

1. Texture to CV

To insert this node in the Layer Layouts, drag from the Texture output pin of a pre-existing node. In the Search menu, under Utilities -> General, click on Convert node.

2. CV to Texture

Similarly, to insert this node in the Layer Layouts, drag from the CV output pin of a pre-existing node. In the Search menu, under Utilities -> General, click on Convert node.

A typical Computer Vision workflow contains both types of Convert nodes.

Other Computer Vision nodes

LightAct supports a variety of Computer Vision nodes that implement different algorithms. You can find out more about each one, on its dedicated page:

When working with CV nodes, please make sure to keep the resolution of incoming and outgoing CV streams low for better use of system resources.

Optical FlowFind BlobsMog2 Background SubtractionCombineSubtract

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