OSC stands for open sound protocol and is often used in live-event and broadcast industries to transmit various values in high framerates.

Receiving OSC

OSC receiver can receive different types of values (e.g. integer, float, string) on a specific OSC message address.

Setup in the Devices window

Insert an OSC Receiver node and after you set Stream parameters check the Listen checkbox.​

Setup in the Layouts window

Insert a Read OSC node, choose the device in Device input and finally choose which data type this node will receive from the device. There are 3 options for how to do this, you can right-click on Output pin, you can click the button integer, float or string in the node's properties section or you can drag the connection line from the Output pin to the empty spot in the window after which the pop-up menu will be shown.

Enter the OSC address In the Address string input and you are ready to receive data that is being sent to that address.

Since OSC protocol allows multiple values to be sent to the same OSC address, there is the Index input. This index is the index in the array of values that have been received in a bundle. We will explain how to send these bundle messages at the end of the next paragraph Sending OSC.

Sending OSC

OSC sender can send different types of values (e.g. integer, float, string) to specific OSC message addresses.

Setup in the Devices window

Insert a OSC Sender node and after you set Stream parameters check the Send checkbox.​

Setup in the Layouts window

Insert a Send OSC node, choose the device in Device input and finally choose which data type this node will send. There are 2 options for how to do this, either by right-clicking on the Input pin or by dragging the connection line from the Input to the empty spot in the window after which the pop-up menu will be shown.

Enter the OSC address In the Address string input and you are ready to send data that to that address.

Bundle messages

LightAct offers the option to send multiple values in a bundle message. This means that you can send multiple values to the same address by using only 1 OSC Sender device. For this option, we need to create multiple Send OSC layer nodes and connect them via Lifeline input/output.

In order to enable sending a bundle check Send as bundle checkbox.

The received message will look like this:

This is very useful because we can pack multiple values in a single message and extract them via an index in a Read OSC layer node like this:

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