
In LightAct, there are 2 different layer types:

  • blank layer

  • Layer Templates.

As you will mostly be using Layer Templates, we will focus on them first.

Layer Templates

Layer Templates are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Stock Layer templates, which are provided with every release of LightAct,

  2. User Layer Templates, which you can create on your own, as per the instructions.

There are three ways to insert any Layer Template into a Timeline track:

  • by right-clicking on a Timeline track and choosing it from the menu,

  • by using its dedicated shortcut and left-clicking on a Timeline track, or

  • by dragging from an Asset icon onto a Timeline track.

Insert Layer from Menu

To insert a layer using the menu, right-click somewhere on a Timeline track. Hover on one of the Layer Template entries, such as Content, and choose one of the Layer Templates from the popup menu.

Alternatively, just type in a keyword into the search bar:

After clicking on one of the Templates, a Layer will be inserted on the Timeline track.

Insert Layer with Shortcut

To insert a layer using a shortcut, press the shortcut of your desired Layer Template, and then left-click somewhere on a Timeline track.

Good to know: These shortcuts can be found in the right-click menu of the Timeline tracks, on the right of the name of each Layer Template.

For example, if you would like to insert a Color grid Template, you could press the C key and left-click on a Timeline track.

Insert Layer by dragging from Asset

Another way to insert a Layer Template on the Timeline is by dragging from an Asset's icon into a Timeline track.

Upon releasing the drag, a menu with all available Templates for that specific asset will appear.

Blank Layers

Please note, building layers from scratch is meant for advanced users. Before building a layer from scratch, please make sure there isn't already a layer template that does what you need.

You can create a Blank layer in several ways:

  • by double-clicking on the Timeline track,

  • by right-clicking on the Timeline track and choosing it from a popup menu.

Last updated