
Most of the show programming in LightAct happens in the Timelines and Timeline Editor windows. The Timelines window consists of separate Timelines in which all the Sections, Layers, and Markers live. In the Timeline Editor window, you have the ability to manage the Sections, Layers, and Markers of a given Timeline. Within the Layers, you can also use different Layer Nodes to design your show.

Good to know: You can have several independent Timelines. In each of those Timelines, you can have several independent Sections, Layers, and Markers.

Timelines window

You can find the Timelines window by going to Window -> Timelines.

You can find more information on how to use it in the Timelines Window chapter.

Good to know: In LightAct, negative time is allowed by default, so you can place content in the negative section of any Timeline. If you want to turn this off, just click on a Timeline to open Timeline properties and uncheck Allow negative time.

Timeline Editor window

The Timeline window can be found under Window -> Timeline Editor.

You can take a look at the Timeline Editor window chapter for further instructions on how to use it.

Layer Layout window

Every layer has its own Layer Layout window. To access it, you first need to create a Layer in the Timeline Editor window. By double-clicking on the layer container, you will open its dedicated Layer Layout window.

In LightAct, layers are completely customizable. You can find out more in the Layer Templates section.

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