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After creating a DMX Fixture, which we learned in the , let's add the fixture object to the Viewport. Click and drag the Fixture icon from the Toolbar to the Viewport floor and choose a Fixture model.
There are 2 ways to map content to a fixture:
2D workflow: you can map content from a canvas directly to a DMX fixture. As this workflow doesn't take any 3D positioning into account, we call it 2D workflow.
3D workflow: a DMX fixture can also source content from a video screen. In this case, the relative position of the video screen to the fixture is important. That's why we call this approach 3D workflow.
To map content from a canvas to a fixture, open Canvas setup window by going to Window -> Canvas Setup or pressing F2. The Fixture will appear on the right-hand side of the window, in the Objects section. Each x represents a Fixture pixel.
To determine which Universe the data is being sent to, select the Fixture Model from the Viewport and open its Properties. Under DMX Section, you will be able to modify the both the Start universe and Start channel.
After the mapping, if Send DMX checkbox in DMX Out window has been enabled, our DMX Data grid should look something like this:
To map content from a video screen to a fixture, place a video screen in the Viewport window. Next, select the video screen and drag an arrow from it, releasing it onto the fixture.
If Send DMX checkbox in DMX Out window is enabled, our DMX Data grid should look similar to this: