
LightAct offers 2 coordinate systems for BlackTrax, one is Stage and the other is Screen. You can choose which one you would like to use in device properties, under Data collapsible header.

BlackTrax Receiver Device Node

To start receiving BlackTrax information insert a BlackTrax Receiver device.

On the right side, under the Stream, configurable properties for specific devices will be shown. After you configure them, check Listen checkbox inside the device node.

If you are using Tracking Adapter app from CAST software, please make sure that Acceleration and Velocity filtering is disabled. Otherwise the positions of the beacons won't be detected.

Read BlackTrax in Layer Layouts

To use the information read by BlackTrax Receiver device node in LightAct, you need to create a Read BlackTrax node in the layouts.

Choose BlackTrax Receiver device in a Device dropdown menu, or connect Device reference node to this input, and you are ready to go.

BlackTrax provides:

  • Vec3s: Position, Orientation, Acceleration and Velocity

  • Vec3 vectors: LED Position, LED Acceleration and LEC Velocity

Last updated