
Category: Generative

Checkerboard is one of the generative layer templates that creates a checkerboard pattern useful for various testing purposes.


  • Blend mode: determines the blend mode that's going to be used when rendering the texture onto a mapping. The options are the familiar ones such as Normal (alpha), Screen, Multiply etc.

  • Opacity: determines the opacity with which texture when rendered onto the mapping.

  • Mapping: determines the mapping through which the texture is going to be rendered onto the object. Options are directly onto one of the viewport objects, such as the a video screen, on one of the canvases for further splitting or on one of the throwers for 3D dependent mapping of the content.

  • Clip mode: determines how the content is rendered onto the mapping. Options are:

    • Pixel perfect: renders the texture as it is without and stretching, scaling or cropping

    • Crop: fills the mapping in its entirety. If aspect ratios are different, the texture is going to get cropped

    • Stretch: fills the entire mapping but if the aspect ratios of the texture and the mapping are different, there will be stretching

    • Fit: scales the texture proportionally so that it fits the mapping. If aspect ratios are different, there will be empty areas in the mapping.

  • Angle: rotates the texture by the specified angle in degrees.

  • Anchor at center: if unchecked the texture is going to be rotated around the top left corner, if checked, it's going to be rotated around the center.

  • X: moves the texture by X pixels horizontally

  • Y: moves the texture by Y pixels vertically


  • Resolution mode: select if you want the resolution of the color grid to adapt to the resolution of the mapping or would you like to use a custom resolution.

  • Resolution: if Resolution mode is set to Custom then this would be the resolution of the texture.

  • Color: color of the layer

  • Auto rename: renames the layer based on the selected Mapping.

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